RE School Self-Evaluation (Secondary)            


York SACRE has a statutory responsibility to monitor provision for Religious Education in the city. SACRE can use this information to make recommendations to City of Council about the strengths and weaknesses of that provision, how good practice might be shared and what support might be offered. Subject leaders are requested to complete this proforma and return



School self-evaluation: key questions

  1. What are the strengths of your current provision and practice?

At xxxx school we feel our strengths are community and personalisation. We personalise our RE education to our learners across our sites; mainsite, Manor and Millthorpe Satellites. At our Satellites we join collective worship, events, lessons-where appropriate and assemblies.

Over the last 12 months, we have been focusing on the recovery curriculum in school and moving through the phases of this; Relationships, Community, Curriculum, Metacognition, Space

  1. Where are there weaknesses/areas for improvement?

We haven’t visited places of worship/ been involved in trips to learn about religious aspects of our city for some time. (Covid restrictions)

  1. Do you have an example of good practice you would like to share with others?

If so, please provide details below.

We are about to Embark on the Useful and Kind Project and will have some examples after then.

  1. What are your priorities for development in RE? Please attach your current development plan

We are currently commencing an extensive piece of work in streamlining our 3 curriculums; informal, semi-formal and formal, and will be revising and developing religious aspects of study for these within this work.

  1. Is there anything related to RE for which you would like external support?

If possible it would be useful for some social stories or visual stories to use with older children and young people on different SACRE topics and themes.

Quality and standards of RE in the school

  1. How does the school make a judgment on this?

(e.g. monitoring, lesson observation, work scrutiny, meeting with pupils, learning walks …)

At Applefieds we have just started an online monitoring system called Evidence for Learning. Within this we can   look at all teaching and learning for RE/ Our world and monitor progress. The above examples are all ways in which monitoring takes place too.

  1. Overall, how would you grade the quality of RE provision (including quality and standards achieved by pupils) in your school?

Our students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which focuses on our school values; Wellbeing & Regulation, Communication & Independence, Personalisation & Preparation and most importantly pupils’ individual Education, Health and Care Plan EHCP Outcomes.

Teaching is rated good or better.

Continuing professional development in RE

  1. What CPD has the subject leader taken part in (over the last year) and what was its impact?

National College: CPD

·         RE: Implementing a broad and balanced curriculum

·         Religious Education: A deep dive into Curriculum Intent

·         Religious Education: A deep dive into Curriculum Implementation

·         Religious Education: A deep dive into Curriculum Impact

Evidence for Learning Webinar on Relationships, Health and Citizenship Education (RHSE) curriculum 2021

  1. What CPD have other teachers taken part in (over the last year) and what was its impact?

Wellbeing CPD, Bereavement, Emotional Support.

  1. Do you have links with a local group of teachers ?

 Timetabling of RE

  1. Is provision for RE combined with another subject e.g. PSHEe, Citizenship? (Yes (please explain below)/No)

Yes- Our World Curriculum which is grouped into our three curriculums.


Communication lessons


  1. How much time does each pupil spend on RE-related work each week?

Key Stage 3: Up to 90 mins

Key Stage 4: Up to 90 mins

Post-16: Up to 1 hour

This involves community activities, wellbeing, play and leisure, communication and our world topics

  1. Who delivers the RE in your school?
    1. How many individual teachers?

All teachers and TAs- we work on a primary model

  1. How many teachers with post-A level qualifications in the subject?


  1. What proportion of the timetable is delivered by teachers who spend most of their timetable delivering another subject?



Agreed Syllabus

  1. If your school is an Academy, have you chosen to adopt the York  SACRE Agreed Syllabus ?


  1. If you answered ‘No’ to question 18 above, please tell SACRE which syllabus you have chosen to adopt

Scheme of work (SoW)

  1. When was the current SoW drawn up or revised?

3 years ago and being revised now.

  1. To what extent does it match the requirements of the Agreed Syllabus you have adopted? E.g. Fully/ Partly/Not at all


  1. Do you follow an accredited course at GCSE as required by the Agreed Syllabus?

N/A due to our learners working significantly below age related expectations

  1. What GCSE specification do you teach?

As above

  1. Please attach a long-term plan/curriculum map that shows how you deliver RE across the school/school year?

We use the CoY agreed syllabus 2017-2021 and select appropriate themes/ objectives that fit into our whole school themes and meet each groups identified needs.

  1. How does the SoW ensure progression between the key stages?
    1. In respect of subject knowledge?

We focus on a spiral curriculum model of learning key themes and areas and then overlearning and deepening understanding through revisiting topics. Due to our SEND learners all topics are broken into small manageable chunks and prior learning is monitored and built upon. We are responsive to class groups, current affairs and tailor learning to meet EHCP needs accordingly. We focus on preparation for adult life and add weight to our key themes of community, ecology and our world.

  1. In the development of skills?

Skills are monitored in 4 key areas:

·         Independence – how independent is the learner

·         Fluency- How accurate is the learner

·         Maintenance- are the skills being maintained

·         Generalisation – how are the skills being applied


  1. Are the resources sufficient to support the RE programme?  


  1. Are there any resources that you would recommend to other schools?


  1. Are there any resources that you are lacking?

We are open to exploring new resources- especially hands on resources


  1. Please list below the contact details for any visitors you use to support RE that you’d recommend to others?

YOYO- York Christian group


  1. Please list below the contact details for any places you use to visit to support RE that you’d recommend to others?

Management and Organisation of RE                                    

Name of subject leader: Lydia Waites- Assistant Headteacher- Teaching and Learning

  1. How long as subject leader in this school:

3 Years

  1. Other comments/notes (Continue overleaf if necessary)